Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Off the Field is Off the Field

I despise Rex Ryan as a coach.  I hate Rex Ryan as an enemy on the field.  I am embarrassed at Rex Ryan as an NFL leader.  BUT Rex Ryan the person is a non-issue to me.

Today a video came out of a woman who is probably Ryan’s wife talking to a man that is probably Rex Ryan engaging in a foot fetish video.  Great! I…Don’t…Care.  And neither should you.

If Rex and his wife rekindle their love with foot fetish videos, good for them.  It’s gross, and the image of Rex Ryan engaging in any sexual act makes me want to vomit, but good for them.  It’s not my business.
The media shouldn’t mess with a man and his wife.

-          No one grilled Bill Bellichick about his separation with his wife in 2005
-          No one badgered Tony Dungy with questions about his son’s death
-          No one dares to get into it with Bill Cowers about his wife’s death

Many may say it is apples and oranges, but what happens off the field if exactly that; OFF THE FIELD! Marriage, divorce, life, death, sex, or whatever.  A foot fetish has nothing to do with the Jets winning or losing, so it’s off limits. 

What happened in this world that made human beings decided that if they found or took video of a famous person in a compromising position they owe it to the world to put it on YouTube or twitter to get a cheap laugh or a quick buck. 

Hypothetically, you are friends with, oh let’s just say, Miley Cyrus.  You go out and get high together and videotape the escapades.  What made you think posting that video, which makes your friend look like a total moron, was a good idea?  Some friend you are.

Now you’re at an MMA fight and you start taunting an NFL coach who is just trying to relax for a night.  You piss him off enough so he flips you the bird.  You put it on YouTube because why? You want to show how annoying you are.  You are obnoxious enough that a famous person with give you the finger?!

Finally, let’s say you dated a married man.  He gets caught.  You have a voicemail from him saying, ‘Crap, I got caught.  You need to delete my number or I’m in deep dooo-doo’.    Are you self-loathing enough to sell that message to TMZ for your 15 minutes?

The simple, well known, rule of glass houses apply here.  Until you feel comfortable enough with everything you have ever done being put on the front page of the New York Time…just shut up.
Let Rex and his wife have a private life.  Just because he coaches an NFL team doesn’t mean he’s not a person, and it certainly doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be allowed privacy. 

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